Thermo-physical properties investigation in relation to deposition orientation for SLM deposited H13 steel

Continuous Production of Pure Titanium with Ultrafine to Nanocrystalline Microstructure

Magnesium Reinforced with Inconel 718 Particles Prepared Ex Situ—Microstructure and Properties

Structure and Properties of High-Strength Ti Grade 4 Prepared by Severe Plastic Deformation and Subsequent Heat Treatment

Flexible manufacturing chain with integrated incremental bending and Q-P heat treatment for on-demand production of AHSS safety parts

Influence of martensite deformation on Cu precipitation strengthening

Using DEFORM Software for Determination of Parameters for Two Fracture Criteria on DIN 34CrNiMo6

Influence of thickness reduction on forming limits of mild steel DC01

Formation of Phases in Reactively Sintered TiAl3 Alloy

Optimization of the Mechanical Performance of Titanium for Biomedical Applications by Advanced, High-Gain SPD Technology

Strengthening and Thermally Activated Processes in An AX61/Saffil Metal Matrix Composite

Local Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of EN AW 6082 Aluminium Alloy Processed via ECAP–Conform Technique

Effect of Equal Channel Angular Extrusion on the Thermal Conductivity of an AX52 Magnesium Alloy

Fracture analysis in directed energy deposition (DED) manufactured 316L stainless steel using a phase-field approach

Numerical Simulation Development and Computational Optimization for Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing Process

Effects of build orientation and sample geometry on the mechanical response of miniature CP-Ti Grade 2 strut samples manufactured by laser powder bed fusion

Effect of Si Addition on Martensitic Transformation and Microstructure of NiTiSi Shape Memory Alloys

Influence of sandblasting and acid etching on fatigue properties of ultra-fine grained Ti grade 4 for dental implants

Fracture Toughness Analysis of Automotive-Grade Dual-Phase Steel Using Essential Work of Fracture (EWF) Method

Effects of Rotary Swaging Parameters and Artificial Ageing on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of 2024 Precipitation-Hardenable Aluminium Alloy

Build Size and Orientation Influence on Mechanical Properties of Powder Bed Fusion Deposited Titanium Parts

Induction Annealing of Austenitic Spring Steels for Nuclear Reactors

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of COLD-DEFORMED PURE TITANIUM AND TITANIUM GRADE 5

Effects of Rotary Swaging, Wire Drawing and their Combination on the Resulting Properties of Nickel-alloy Wires

Post-Processing Treatment Impact on Mechanical Properties of SLM Deposited Ti-6Al-4 V Porous Structure for Biomedical Application

Small scale testing of IN718 single crystals manufactured by EB-PBF

Formation of Phases in Reactively Sintered TiAl3 Alloy

Internationales Projekt MOWSES


COMTES FHT a.s. hat sich dem internationalen Forschungsprojekt MOWSES (Multi-Faceted Assessment and Optimization of Welded Structural Green Steel Plates for Use in European Sustainable Infrastructure) im Rahmen des Programms Horizon Europe angeschlossen. ... more

Tag der offenen Tür im Labor der additiven Fertigung


Wir laden Sie herzlich zum Tag der offenen Türin unserem Labor der additiven Fertigung ein. ... more